domingo, 14 de julio de 2019


 El Speaking se compone de cuatro partes y dura unos 15 minutos, supone un 20% de la nota global obtenida. La primera parte del examen consiste en responder preguntas cortas y personales sobre uno mismo, este proceso dura aproximadamente 1 minuto por candidato. A continuación se muestran las preguntas típicas que suelen hacer:

  • Where do you come from? I'm from Seville, where I have lived all my life. But my parents weren't born here.

  • What's your job? I'm working at a renewable energy company dedicated to the installation of solar panels. My main function is to write the budgets and studies that we present to the clients, so they can know how much the project costs and which are its benefits.

  • How long do you have been learning English? I started learning English when I was six or seven years old, I kept going to an academy for at least ten years until I started high school. I had to retake my English studies when I was at college because it was an academic and professional requirement.

  • What do you like most and least about your job? I like it because renewable energies and the technologies related to them are my passion, but the job sometimes feels a bit repetitive, as it is very focused on photovoltaic installations.

  • How does a typical day for you to start? I wake up at seven o'clock and then take a shower. After that I have my breakfast and prepare all the things I need for work, subsequently, I go on foot to my workplace.

  • Would you say that you have an exciting social life? Not really, I'm a bit shy and I enjoy my free time relaxing and doing exercise on my own.

  • What kind of books do you like most? Fantasy and sci-fi books, I have always found them more interesting. In addition, I sometimes read specialized magazines about the renewable energy sector.

  • Do you try to keep fit? Yes, when I finished college, I was out of shape, so I decided to start doing exercise at home with dumbbells. I have kept doing them for almost a couple of years.

  • Describe the people you work with. My company is very small, so half of the employees are actually the owners, but they work very hard and are very serious businessmen. I don't have too much contact with the rest of my coworkers because they work outside the office, but they are nice and competent.

  • What hobbies do you have? I like doing sports, particularly padel and working out exercises. Besides that, I enjoy reading web novels and magazines related to my work field.

  • What are your aims and ambitions for the future? I would like to continue my studies by doing a PhD because is the next step after the master's degree. Also, I would like to have a higher responsibility job and earn a decent salary.

  • What kind of things cause you stress? I'm stressed by unexpected problems for which I'm not ready or that I have to resolve in a rush. For example, dealing with unanticipated normative changes done by the government.

 Para la segunda parte se nos facilitará un folio con dos preguntas en la cabecera acompañadas por tres imágenes. Debemos responder las preguntas sobre dos de las tres imágenes, apenas se disponen de 2 minutos por lo que es conveniente abordar directamente las cuestiones sin detenernos a describir las fotos en detalle. El examinador puede que haga preguntas sobre lo que diga el otro alumno de sus imágenes, por lo que hay que estar atento a su respuesta. Algunas de las expresiones útiles para esta parte son I suppose / It seems / It could be / I would say / etc.

What might these people find difficult about their lives?

What do you think the people's lives are like?

Bautista - Djokovic, la semifinal de Wimbledon 2019, en imágenes
Los desplazados por la violencia en el Sahel
Los Príncipes de Asturias salen de la catedral de la Almudena el día de su boda
Fuente: El País

 La tercera parte consiste en una discusión con el compañero, para ello se facilita una página donde aparece una pregunta y varios temas relacionados. Se deben tratar todas las cuestiones sin desviarse de la pregunta planteada, al final, el examinador nos cuestionará sobre nuestras conclusiones acerca de los temas discutidos. Disponemos de unos 5 minutos para completar el ejercicio, algunas expresiones que podemos emplear son Shall I start? / Would you like to start? / As I see it / I agree with you up to a point but / I think you are right / I'm afraid I disagree with you / etc.


Space travel     Archaelogy     Sports science     Climate     Natural world

 La última parte del examen consiste en un debate con nuestro compañero sobre las cuestiones tratadas en los apartados 2 y 3, para ello el examinador realizará una pregunta sobre la cual se debe discutir, es posible desviarnos de la cuestión planteada, lo importante es continuar la discusión el máximo tiempo posible. Si el examinador observa que nos bloqueamos lanzará alguna pregunta adicional para mantener viva la conversación.

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